Roofing Materials Ideal for Warm Climates

Choosing a roofing material for your roof replacement project is not just about finding the style that matches your home’s architectural style. It is also about considering other factors, including your geographical location and climate. Just as steep-pitched roofs are considered in areas that get a lot of snowfall, homes situated in warm climates benefit…

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3 Best Roofing Materials for Warm Climates

3 Best Roofing Materials for Warm Climates

Roofing materials and colors are crucial to how buildings keep cool, especially in warm climates. In fact, the roofing system is the first real line of defense against the heat. Left unchecked, this heat can lead to excessive energy bills, since it will take a lot more for your cooling system to achieve and maintain…

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Wind Damage: Understanding Wind Speed and Wind Load

Wind Damage: Understanding Wind Speed and Wind Load

Every year, many regions across the United States face high wind hazards and the accompanying threat of wind-related damage to residential and commercial buildings. In fact, the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) has stated that high winds cause millions, if not billions, of dollars in damage. However, it is quite possible to…

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4 Common Waterproofing Issues in Commercial Properties

4 Common Waterproofing Issues in Commercial Properties

Waterproofing is one of the most important functions of commercial roofing, and keeping the roof watertight has proven to be a challenge for commercial property owners and managers. Read on as Coleman Roofing lists the most common waterproofing issues found in commercial properties.

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What Affects Your Roof’s Service Life

What Affects Your Roof’s Service Life

The amount of time your roof will last depends on several factors. Some of them are under your control, while others may depend entirely on luck. Here, we’ll discuss some contributing factors to your roof’s life span. Let us guide you on how to treat and maintain your own roof.

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